Administration (Section 4000)

All policies are listed in policy number order.


Administrative Operations

Central Office and Building Administration

Compensation and Related Benefits

Policy 4110, Administrative  Personnel

Administrative and supervisory personnel shall be considered to be those District employees officially designated by Board of Education action as responsible for the administrative and supervisory tasks required to carry out Board of Education policy, programs, decisions, and actions.

These employees shall meet all certification and/or Civil Service requirements as outlined in New York State Civil Service Law, and the Rules and Regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Education of New York State. The administrative and supervisory staff must be eligible to meet these requirements at the time of employment.

Abolishing an Administrative Position

Existing administrative positions shall not be abolished by the Board of Education without previous written notification of the impending abolition. Such written notification is to be served to the individual currently holding that position. In all cases the individual currently holding the position should receive as much advance notice as possible.

Education Law Sections 1709, 2503(5) and 3013

Adopted: 6/19/12

Policy 4210, Administrative Organization and Operation

The basic principles of Administrative Organization and Operation are:
a) The working relationships shall involve two (2) types of officers: line and staff. Line organization involves a direct flow of authority upward and downward from Superintendent to Building Principal. A line officer has power and authority over subordinates. Staff officers do not stand in the direct line of authority; they serve as coordinators or consultants.
b) The Board of Education shall formulate and legislate educational policy.
c) Administrative regulations shall be developed by the Superintendent in cooperation with affected or interested staff members or lay persons.
d) The Central Office staff shall provide overall leadership and assistance in planning and research.
e) A reasonable limit shall be placed upon the number of persons with whom an administrator shall be expected to work effectively.
f) Areas of responsibility for each individual shall be clearly defined.
g) There shall be full opportunity for complete freedom of communication between all levels in the school staff.

Line Responsibility

All employees of the District shall be under the general direction of the Superintendent. Teachers shall be immediately responsible to the Principal of the building in which they work. Other employees shall be immediately responsible to the administrative personnel under whom they work directly.

The lines of responsibility/reporting shall be as depicted on the organizational chart.

Adopted: 6/19/12

Policy 4220, Administrative Authority

During the Absence of the Superintendent

The Superintendent of Schools shall delegate to another administrator the authority and responsibility for making decisions and taking such actions as may be required during the absence of the Superintendent.

In the Absence of Board Policy

From time to time problems and new questions arise for which no specific policy has been prepared. Members of the administrative staff shall act in a manner consistent with the existing policies of the School District and shall alert the Superintendent of Schools to the possible need for additional policy development.

Adopted: 6/19/12

Policy 4230, District Committees

Standing and/or ad hoc committees may be appointed to study and to recommend courses of action in response to department, building or District needs. These committees may be appointed by the Board of Education, the Superintendent or other administrators, with the knowledge of the Superintendent, and in accordance with the range of responsibilities of the appointing body or administrator to whom the committee shall report. The composition of each committee shall reflect its purpose and each committee shall have a clear assignment.

Adopted: 6/19/12

Policy 4240, Evaluation of the Superintendent and Other Administrative Staff


The Board of Education shall conduct annually a formal performance evaluation of the Superintendent. The formal procedures used to complete the evaluation are to be filed in the District Office, and to be made available for review by any individual, no later than September 10 of each year.

The formal performance procedures shall include written criteria, a description of the review procedures, provisions for post-conferencing, and methods used to record results of the evaluation. The Superintendent shall be granted the opportunity to respond to the evaluation in writing.

Evaluation of Administrative Staff

The Board shall direct the Superintendent to conduct an evaluation of all administrative personnel.
The purposes of this evaluation are:
a) To determine the adequacy of administrative staffing;
b) To improve administrative effectiveness;
c) To encourage and promote self-evaluation by administrative personnel;
d) To provide a basis for evaluative judgments by the Superintendent and the Board;
e) To make decisions about continued employment with the District.

8 NYCRR Section 100.2(o)(2)(v)

Adopted: 6/19/12

Policy 4310, Superintendent of Schools

The Superintendent of Schools is the chief executive officer of the School District. He/She is responsible for carrying out the policy of the Board and for keeping it informed of matters which should be weighed by the Board in reaching decisions. He/She is responsible to the Board in his/her stewardship of the entire School System.

The Superintendent will have the specific powers and duties discussed below and will be directly responsible to the Board for their proper exercise. As chief executive officer of the School District, he/she shall:
a) Attend all regular, special, and work meetings of the Board except that the Superintendent may be excluded when his/her employment contract or performance is discussed in executive session;
b) Administer all policies and enforce all rules and regulations of the Board;
c) Review the local school situation and recommend to the Board areas in which new policies seem to be needed;
d) Organize, administer, evaluate, and supervise the programs and personnel of all school departments, instructional and non-instructional;
e) Recommend to the Board the appointment of all instructional and support personnel;
f) Prepare and recommend to the Board the annual School District budget in accordance with the format and development plan specified by the Board;
g) Advise the public about the activities and needs of the schools through his/her written and spoken statements, and shall be responsible for all news releases emanating from the local schools;
h) Create all salary scales and administer the salary plan approved by the Board. Some of these salary scales will be developed within staff contracts negotiated under the provisions of the Taylor Law;
i) Determine the need and make plans for plant expansion and renovation;
j) Recommend for hire, evaluate, promote, and dismiss all professional and non-professional staff personnel;
k) Prepare or supervise the preparation of the teacher’s handbook, staff bulletins, and all other District-wide staff materials;
l) Plan and coordinate the recruitment of teachers and other staff to assure the District of the best available personnel;
m) Plan and conduct a program of supervision of teaching staff that will have as its goal the improvement of instruction, and, at the same time, will assure that only the teachers found to have a high degree of competence will be recommended for tenure;
n) Distinguish for all concerned between the areas of policy decisions appropriate to the Board and management decisions appropriate to the District’s administrative personnel;
o) Transfer personnel when necessary and/or desirable to promote optimal effectiveness. Any such personnel transfers shall be pursuant to appropriate guidelines established by state laws, District policies and negotiated contracts;
p) Submit data from the School Report Card and/or other such reports of student/District performance as prescribed by and in accordance with requirements of the Commissioner of Education.

Education Law Sections 1711, 2508 and 3003
8 NYCRR Section 100.2(m)

Adopted: 6/19/12
Revised: 5/13/14

Policy 4320, Superintendent-Board of Education Relations

The Board of Education is accountable for all pursuits, achievements and duties of the School District. The Board’s specific role is to deliberate and to establish policies for the organization. The Board delegates the necessary authority to the Superintendent who, acting as chief executive officer, is held accountable to the Board for compliance with its policies.
a) With respect to School District goals and objectives, the Board will establish broad guidelines to be observed in the development of further policy and action. The Board reserves the right to issue either restrictive or general policy statements.
b) Generally, the Superintendent will be empowered to assign and use resources; employ, promote, discipline and deploy staff; to translate policies of the Board into action; to speak as agent of the Board; to organize and delegate administrative responsibilities; and to exercise such other powers as are customary for chief executives.
c) The Superintendent may not perform, cause, or allow to be performed any act that is unlawful, in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics; in violation of any contract into which the Board has entered; or, in violation of policies adopted by the Board that limit the Superintendent’s authority.
d) Should the Superintendent or his/her designee consider it unwise or impractical to comply with an explicit Board policy, the Superintendent will inform the Board of that determination. The Board will decide whether such judgment was warranted.

Education Law Sections 1711, 2503 and 2508

Adopted: 6/19/12

Policy 4410, Professional Development Opportunities

The Board of Education shall encourage administrators to keep informed of current educational theory and practice by study, by visiting other school systems, by attendance at educational conferences, and by such other means as are appropriate.

The approval of the Superintendent shall be required for any conference attendance or visitations requested by administrators.

Participation shall be limited by available resources and reimbursement guidelines.

General Municipal Law Sections 77-b and 77-c

Adopted: 6/19/12

Policy 4420, Compensation and Related Benefits

The salaries and related benefits of administrators shall be set annually by the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and/or shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable collective bargaining agreement/contract currently in effect.

Adopted: 6/19/12