Virtual forums on reopening schools

Thank you to the Watervliet families who participated in the three virtual forums we have offered on reopening schools this fall. The forums were recorded and may be watched at any time on YouTube, see links below:

To help us plan for the best possible school year with health and safety as our priority, we ask parents/guardians to complete a Teaching & Learning Waiver to either opt their child(ren) into remote learning OR opt their child(ren) into in-person learning (UPK-Grade 6) or hybrid learning (Grades 7-12).

This form must be filled out by Watervliet City School District parents or guardians only; it is not for students to fill out. We thank you for submitting the form(s) by August 19, 2020.

Watervliet staff, students and parents are encouraged to read the district’s School Reopening Plan for 2020-21 and contact the superintendent, the assistant superintendent or their building principals with questions.

 Or email your questions to